GCRO Website

Gauteng City-Region Observatory

Project lead

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The new GCRO website is a substantial overhaul of their previous site. Importantly, as an organisation tasked with bridging the gap between academic research, government policy and the public, the GCRO website offers cross-platform compatibility ensuring their data is as widely accessible as possible. The outcome is a website that it interesting, engaging, more interactive and intuitive to access.

Important features of the new site include an active home page that will be regularly updated with news stories, events, and our latest outputs. An interactive menu allows users to access our research themes and projects, and a simple listing of outputs allows them to be accessed quickly and easily. The website also hosts a new portal, the ‘Urban data Gallery’ through which all our separate interactive websites can be accessed. The website also makes use of striking photography from the Gauteng City-Region (GCR) throughout, embedding images of landscapes and the people of the GCR in this new data platform.